Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the El Paso Horrorfest Staff. Our Staff is the backbone of Anime El Paso, and we appreciate your desire to help us have a great year. A call for staff members will go out on our social media in the months leading up to the event. If you are interested in being an El Paso Horrorfest staff member, follow the directions posted on our social media. Please note: The El Paso Horrorfest Staff is a paid position, and El Paso Horrorfest Staff members will be required to background checks. All Staff will be paid for their time at El Paso Horrorfest, but El Paso Horrorfest Staff will need to make their own travel and lodging arrangements. We do not provide Staff with travel and lodging, including parking, for the show. Staff members must be 18 years of age at the start of the event. El Paso Horrorfest reserves the right to terminate any staff that fails to adhere to the guidelines listed above or fails to satisfactorily complete his/her assigned duties.
- You are an ambassador of El Paso Horrorfest and you are expected to act appropriately. You will treat El Paso Horrorfest’s attendees, guests, and exhibitors with courtesy and respect.
- You are expected to perform your assigned duties to the best of your ability. If you are unable to perform your duties a supervisor may assign you to a different task that you’re better suited to.
- You are not permitted to perform any actions that would negatively affect the operations and/or public image of El Paso Horrorfest. This includes making statements to the public and/or press.
- You are expected to maintain confidentiality with any proprietary information that is shared with you by El Paso Horrorfest.
- You understand that placement in a specific department or event at El Paso Horrorfest is not guaranteed and positions are filled based on demand.
- You may dress casually, but you must wear your El Paso Horrorfest Staff badge and vest at all times during your shift. No ripped jeans, short shorts, short skirts, offensive t-shirts, or revealing articles of clothing may be worn.
- Proper personal hygiene is required. Please be courteous to your co-workers and El Paso Horrorfest’s attendees by not using excessive amounts of perfume or cologne.
- You may NOT wear a costume during your shift.