Food/beverage vendors must have either an approved Food & Beverage Application (Packaged for Off-Site Consumption) or Food & Beverage Application (Packaged for On-Site Consumption) from the venue.

Please check in at Vendor Registration before unloading. Vendor Registration is located in the Mount Franklin Lobby of the El Paso Convention Center. Vendor load-in is Friday from 10:00AM until 4:00PM. Waiting area and parking for load-In is located in the rear parking lot of the El Paso Convention Center. Vendor Booth setup must be complete by Friday at 4:00PM for the Fire Marshall Walk Through. If you cannot be setup by that time, please email ALL BOXES AND CONTAINERS MUST BE CLEARED FROM THE EHXIBIT FLOOR BY FRIDAY BY 4:00PM. 

El Paso Horrorfest is open to attendees during the following hours:
Saturday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM – 5:00PM

You will receive two vendor wristbands for each booth space purchased. You may also purchase up to two (2) additional wristbands during load-in (to be used only by those working with you at your booth). These are limited to two additional per show, per vendor.  Vendor wristbands must be worn at all times by any person working a booth. Wristbands may not be sold, loaned, or otherwise transferred to persons who are not working for you. 

You may pick up your vendor wristbands at Vendor Registration located inside the Mount Franklin Lobby of the El Paso Convention Center. This area will be staffed and operational during load-in on Friday 10:00AM – 4:00PM.  Vendors and personnel wishing to enter the Exhibit Hall must wear a vendor wristband at all times during event days. Vendor access to the exhibit hall begins at 9:00AM each event day.

Booths include one (1) six-foot table and two (2) chairs. You can supplement those with your own tables/shelves/chairs.  If you need to rent additional tables/chairs for your booth you submit a Booth Services form to the venue.

Access to the Internet/Wi-Fi must be coordinated with the El Paso Convention Center.  You will need to submit an IT Services request form to the venue.

If you require electricity for your booth, submit an Electrical Access request form to the venue.

There is parking available in the lot behind the convention center.  Parking in this lot requires a parking pass from the venue.  Parking in the back lot is very limited and sells out quickly. We suggest you complete an Exhibitor Parking form to the venue in advance of the event.

Vendors must comply with all local, state, and federal laws.  Vendors will not hold event management liable for any breaches, losses, or damage to themselves or their property. All vendors agree to hold blameless Event management and all Event staff members and workers against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims, or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss, or theft due to said vendor’s participation in event. State tax is the responsibility of the vendor to collect according to state laws.

All adult materials must be either behind the table or, if displayed on a table or display rack, bagged or covered so that minors may not open it. Any adult material containing nudity must be covered in accordance with local and state laws. Vendors agree not to sell any adult materials to minors. Violating this rule is cause for immediate dismissal from the show with no refund and being banned from any future events hosted by the event management.

Should you (the vendor) find that you are not able to attend the event and have already paid for your booth, the policy is as follows: If the cancellation is 30 days or more before the event a full refund will be given minus fees.  No refunds will be made with 29 days or less to event under any circumstances.